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Mobile Resources

Mobile Resources for International Travelers

The UGA Office of Global Engagement requests that international travelers download the mobile resources below to help ensure safe travel.


AlertTraveler App

AlertTraveler App

For students participating in official UGA programs

The AlertTraveler App is an extension of your application in the UGA StudyAway Portal. This app will provide you with real-time safety information based on your travel itinerary and provides a quick way to check in with UGA in the event of an emergency. This app must be activated from your StudyAway Portal application.

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Electronic Safety Information Card

Electronic Safety Information Card

For anyone participating in official UGA programs

The Electronic Safety Information Card is a contact card that will be stored in the Contacts app on your mobile device containing important UGA emergency contact information, such as the 24/7 police emergency number and a link to Online Incident Report for reporting incidents while abroad.

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CISI Insurance App

For anyone using CISI through UGA

For travelers enrolled in CISI travel insurance, which includes all study abroad students and many indepdendent travelers, the CISI app will allow you to quickly file insurance claims and book medical appointments if necessary during your time abroad.


DoS Smart Traveler App

For anyone traveling abroad

The US Department of State Smart Traveler app provides information about the country you are traveling to and allows you to notify the U.S. Government of your travel to other destinations, allowing them better assist you in event of emergency.

For questions or concerns, please contact us at