StudyAway Portal Help

What does it mean to update my itinerary?

Updating your itinerary means informing OGE and UGA that you will be doing additional travel that isn't part of your standard program. This might be weekend trips to another city or additional travel after the end of your program. For students participating in UGA Independent Experiences (i.e. internships, research, etc.), you may provide your entire travel itinerary here. An Itinerary is required for the AlertTraveler app to work.

Updating your itinerary in the StudyAway Portal allows OGE to better assist you in the event of an emergency.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Log in to the UGA StudyAway Portal at


 2. Click on the program you would like to update your itinerary for. Typically, this is the program that you are currently participating in or an upcoming program.


 3. Find and click on the "Itinerary" section of your application.



4. For each location, indicate the name of the city and country, then the first day and last days you will be in that location. Once entered, click the Plus sign button to add itinerary.

If you can't find your city, check your spelling. Some city names may be spelled in multiple different ways, so be sure to try different common spellings (especially for languages that use a different character set). For example, "Patras, Greece" instead of "Patra, Greece".

NOTE: if the location does not appear in the search box, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to have the location added to our roster.


 5. You will see the city you entered has been added to your itinerary. If you are traveling to more than one city, repeat step 4 above for each individual city.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.